The Most Effective Hormone Replacement Therapies
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Can Growth Hormone Deficiency Lead to Disease?

To Grow into Healthy Adults with HGH

Having a growth hormone deficiency can put you at greater risk for certain diseases and conditions.

The list of diseases associated with having human growth hormone deficiency is long and varied. We all need human growth hormone (HGH) to grow from children into healthy adults. HGH is produced by the pituitary gland. It is responsible for bone and muscle growth and all of the processes that allow children to achieve normal adult height and strength.

Even after we stop growing, adults still need HGH. Growth hormone plays a very important role in almost every biological process. It is especially critical for bone health and muscle tone. It also influences your body’s ability to burn or store fat. In addition, growth hormone is necessary for cognitive health and other brain functions.

As important as growth hormone is, unfortunately, there are times when your body may not be producing enough HGH. This is known as having a growth hormone deficiency, or GHD.

There can be any number of causes of GHD, but when it occurs after childhood, the cause of growth hormone deficiency is almost always the steady drop in HGH that occurs as we age. This decline can lead to what doctors refer to as adult-onset or age-related growth hormone deficiency. Any man or woman between the ages of 40 and 65 could be experiencing age-related GHD and its associated diseases and conditions.

Age-related GHD has many consequences to a patient’s overall physical and emotional health. Here is a list of how an HGH deficiency can negatively impact your health and well-being. If you have a growth hormone deficiency, you may experience:

Age-Related Growth Hormone Deficiency

  • Lack of energy
  • Sexual health issues
  • Weight gain
  • Inability to build lean muscle
  • Poor results from exercise programs
  • Increase in body fat
  • Lack of focus, memory issues, and poor work performance

Besides these harmful effects, age-related GHD is known to increase your risk of becoming obese and of developing diabetes, heart disease, and several other serious disease and conditions.

The List of Diseases and Conditions That Can Be Caused by HGH Deficiency

If you have HGH deficiency, that means that your body is not producing enough testosterone. Sub-optimal levels of growth hormone can have a lot of negative impacts on your health

The list of diseases that can be caused or aggravated by HGH deficiency include:

  • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Increased risk of death from a cardiovascular event.
  • Increased risk of metabolic syndrome: high blood pressure, elevated insulin levels, excess belly fat, and abnormal cholesterol levels.
  • Increased risk of clinical depression.
  • Strong association with diabetes.
  • Strong association with high cholesterol and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).
  • Association with more aggressive variants of cancer.

Besides the possible link to the above diseases and conditions, patients with age-related growth hormone deficiency may have symptoms that include:

  • Anxiety and depression
  • Decreased sexual function and interest
  • Fatigue
  • Feelings of being isolated from other people
  • Greater sensitivity to heat and cold
  • Less muscle (lean body mass)
  • Less strength, stamina and ability to exercise without taking a rest
  • Reduced bone density and a tendency to have more bone fractures as they get older

Treating Age-Related HGH Deficiency Can Lower Your Risk of Disease

You can lower your risk of developing these diseases and reverse or minimize the symptoms of age-related HGH deficiency with growth hormone replacement therapy.

Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy

Real growth hormone therapy is only available through a doctor’s prescription and is only prescribed for people who have been diagnosed with GHD.

Growth hormone therapy is safe. When you follow your doctor’s instructions, growth hormone therapy has very few side effects. Growth hormone therapy is relatively pain-free. The needles used for HGH injections are the same size as those used by people who inject insulin. There are even injectable pens and other devices available for patients who are not comfortable with the idea of mixing and giving themselves injections.

Growth hormone therapy has been shown to reduce, and in some cases, even reverse, the symptoms of GHD. Getting a prescription for HGH injections is easier than you might think. In fact, at our clinic, it only takes these five simple steps:

  • Step 1 – Fill out an online medical history form – This first step is indeed the only step in the process of getting HGH injections that can be done online.
  • Step 2 – See a doctor –If your online medical history form indicates that you are a good candidate for HGH therapy, the next step is to see your doctor. He or she will discuss your medical history in further detail, ask you more about your symptoms, and take a complete physical exam.
  • Step 3 – Laboratory hormone testing – Once you have completed your physical exam, you will be referred to a laboratory to have the hormone levels in your blood tested.
  • Step 4 – You will obtain a prescription for a program of HGH injections –  If the results of your laboratory tests show that your HGH levels are low,  your doctor will prescribe a dosage of growth hormone injections to suit your needs and lifestyle.
  • Step 5 – Your HGH will be delivered to you – Your prescription for HGH therapy will be forwarded to one of the pharmacies we work with that specializes in filling prescriptions for HGH injections. The pharmacy will then deliver your HGH therapy supplies to you.

Where Should I Go to Get Treated for HGH Deficiency?

Any doctor can treat you for a growth hormone deficiency. But you should not go to just any doctor for growth hormone therapy. You should come to a clinic like ours that specializes in age-related hormone loss.

We can tailor your growth hormone therapy to your unique symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle. Often patients with age-related HGH deficiency have below normal levels of other critical hormones such as testosterone. We will look at all of your hormone levels and recommend a program of hormone replacement therapies that bring all of your hormones back into proper balance so you can look and feel your best!

Now that you know a little bit more about HGH deficiency and the diseases it may cause, why not contact us today, and see if you can benefit from the life-changing benefits of growth hormone therapy.

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