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How Much Does It Cost for Low Testosterone Treatment?

  • The only way to receive testosterone replacement therapy is with a diagnosis of low testosterone, and a doctor’s prescription for testosterone.
  • Since testosterone therapy is prescribed on a very individualize basis, the actual cost of a prescription for low testosterone treatment varies greatly.
  • You could expect to pay anywhere from 150.00 to 750.00 or more per month for testosterone replacement therapy.
  • There could be some insurance coverage for testosterone therapy.
How Much Does It Cost for Low Testosterone Treatment?

Testosterone therapy is a clinically proven, safe and effective way to raise the testosterone levels of men who have been diagnosed with low testosterone, also known as “Low-T.”

Men who are seeking treatment for low testosterone, understandably could be concerned about the cost of treating low testosterone. Before we get into a discussion of how much testosterone therapy costs, it is important to understand a few things about authentic low testosterone treatments, and why they cost what they do.

The only way to receive genuine testosterone replacement therapy is to have your blood tested, receive a diagnosis of low testosterone, and then have your doctor write you a prescription for testosterone. Real testosterone can only be obtained with a doctor’s prescription. Any product that claims to be testosterone, or boost testosterone, that you can purchase online or in a health food store, is NOT real testosterone.

Testosterone therapy is a clinically proven, safe and effective way to raise the testosterone levels of men who have been diagnosed with low testosterone, also known as “Low-T.”

What Is the Average Cost of Low Testosterone Treatment?

The actual cost of a prescription for low testosterone treatment varies greatly. Depending on the method selected and your individual needs and lifestyle, you could expect to pay anywhere from 150.00 to 750.00 or more per month for testosterone replacement therapy.

The only way to receive genuine testosterone replacement therapy is to have your blood tested, receive a diagnosis of low testosterone, and then have your doctor write you a prescription for testosterone.

Why Does the Cost Of Low Testosterone Treatment Vary?

The cost of low testosterone treatments vary, sometimes by quite a lot, due to a number of reasons. Delivery method is one. Testosterone gels and creams, tend to be less expensive on a monthly basis than the cost of testosterone injections. Yet, most practitioners believe that testosterone injections are the most effective way to treat low testosterone.

Beyond that, anything from the brand of testosterone that doctors choose to prescribe, to the level of competence of their staff and the location of their offices, can influence the cost of low testosterone treatment. However, keep in mind, like anything else, be a wise consumer when shopping for testosterone replacement therapy. The old adage, “you get what you pay for,” applies to health services as well, and when it comes to your health, you certainly do not want to “cut corners,” and possibly compromise your health and safety. In other words, do not choose a testosterone clinic or testosterone doctor, simply because they are the cheapest, without examining their experience with testosterone therapy, and their track record for safety and efficacy. Cost really should be the last factor when deciding on where to treat your low testosterone. First and foremost is you want a clinic that is skilled and experienced in testosterone replacement therapy for men.

Why Does the Cost Of Low Testosterone Treatment Vary?

Is Testosterone Therapy Covered By Insurance?

If you have health insurance, there is a very good chance that it may pay for all or part of you testosterone therapy. Prescription testosterone therapy is approved by the FDA, and with a legitimate diagnosis of low testosterone, depending on your health insurance provider, you may be covered for your low testosterone treatments.

However, as with insurance reimbursements for any prescription or medical procedure, coverage for testosterone therapy varies from provider to provider, so it is best that you check with your insurance company, to see if your particular plan provides any coverage for low testosterone treatment.

Even if you do have to pay entirely out of pocket for your low testosterone treatment, there may be ways that you can work with your testosterone doctor, to keep the costs of your low-T treatment down. However, if you are suffering from low-T, when you consider the “cost,” of not having testosterone replacement therapy, you will realize that you should not let the cost of testosterone be the deciding factor in choosing to take it or not.

Is Testosterone Therapy Covered By Insurance?

What Is the Cost of Not Treating Low Testosterone?

If you are considering testosterone replacement therapy, it is impossible to have a discussion about the cost of testosterone treatments, without taking into account the “cost” of NOT filling your prescription for testosterone replacement. When considering the costs of a prescription for testosterone replacement, what you really need to do, is weigh the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy against the out-of-pocket expense.  When you do that kind of cost vs benefit analysis, testosterone replacement therapy almost always comes out to be a worthwhile investment in your health and improved quality of life.

The “costs” of not having testosterone therapy, go beyond the “costs,” to your health. Some negative impacts of having low testosterone can include: impaired sexual function, reduced physical performance, increase in abdominal fat, reduced cognitive function and increase in mortality from any cause. (see Platz EA Clic. Chem 2008: 54) Therefore, it may cost you more than money not to have testosterone therapy. If you think of all of the negative conditions that HGH therapy can prevent or reverse, such as: high cholesterol, diabetes, and heart disease – and how much money you would spend on doctor’s visits and medications to treat these conditions, you can easily see how testosterone replacement can actually save you money in the long run!

What Should Be Included in the Cost of Your Testosterone Therapy?

Another import consideration when evaluating the costs of your low testosterone treatment, is that you must take into account exactly what is included in a price that you may have been quoted for testosterone replacement.

What Should Be Included in the Cost of Your Testosterone Therapy?

Does the price for testosterone treatment include other aspects of your testosterone therapy beyond just the cost of your testosterone prescription, such as blood tests, follow-up doctor’s visits, and perhaps some additional nutritional supplements? Make sure when you get a quote for the monthly fee for low testosterone treatments, you know what else is included, and exactly what you are getting. Our goal is to make you as informed as possible since, your health is the most important thing you will ever be involved in. It’s time to be proactive in your health while you are still able to make a difference.

Are There Ways to Save Money on Low Testosterone Treatments?

If you do not have health insurance, or your health plan denies your claim for testosterone replacement, there may be other ways that you can save on the cost of low testosterone treatments.

Most of the pharmaceutical companies that produce the name brands of testosterone, offer discount programs for patients who need a prescription for testosterone, but do not have health insurance.

Beyond that, our doctors will always try to work with you to keep your low testosterone treatments within your needs and budget. Your doctor will start out with the lowest dose of testosterone that he or she believes will be effective for you. Beyond that, as part of your low testosterone treatment regimen, you will be introduced to diet, fitness and other lifestyle changes, all designed to help naturally raise, and maintain a healthier level of testosterone in your blood.

The bottom line is this: if you feel you need to have testosterone replacement therapy, do not ignore your symptoms because you think you cannot afford low testosterone treatment!

Contact us today, and find out more about the real costs of treating low testosterone, and how we may be able to help you afford the many life changing benefits of testosterone replacement therapy. Remember, we are here to assist you every step of the way toward your goal of a healthier, happier you.

If you do not have health insurance, or your health plan denies your claim for testosterone replacement, there may be other ways that you can save on the cost of low testosterone treatments.

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