The Most Effective Hormone Replacement Therapies
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Are There Any Side Effects to Testosterone Treatment?

  • Like any prescription medication, testosterone therapy can have some side effects, however, when testosterone treatments are prescribed and administered correctly, they are generally safe and risk free.
  • Choose your testosterone doctor carefully. The skill and experience of your testosterone therapy provider is instrumental in minimizing your risk of side effects.
  • Overall, the many positive benefits of testosterone therapy, far outweigh any potential risks.
Are There Any Side Effects to Testosterone Treatment?

If you are considering testosterone replacement therapy, it is only natural that you should be concerned about any possible side effects of testosterone treatment. It is understandable to ask, “are there any side effects of testosterone therapy,” particularly because there is so much misinformation out there about the safety of testosterone injections.

The truth is, that when testosterone treatments are prescribed and administered correctly, they are generally safe and risk free. However, like any drug or medical procedure, testosterone therapy has some potential side effects. However, keep in mind that all drugs, even over the counter medications, can have possible side effects.

Testosterone is approved for prescription therapy by the FDA. Once the FDA approves a drug that means it has determined that its use as indicated is “generally recognized as safe.” However, this is also why, any FDA approved drug must legally come with a list proclaiming any and all possible side effects. The inserts you find in any medication, and the long disclaimers in any drug advertisement listing those side effects is mainly there to protect the pharmaceutical company from liability if you have any side effects, and should not be taken as any kind of indication that you will experience such side effects.

Some of the reported possible, though rare, side effects of testosterone therapy include:

  • Increased risk of blood clots
  • Enlarged breasts
  • Increased risk of sleep apnea
  • Acne
  • Hair growth or premature puberty in girls or women who come into contact with gels or patches.

This is by no means the entire list, and it is not meant to scare you. In reality most testosterone replacement patients have a very positive experience and run the course of their testosterone treatment with little or no side effects.

When testosterone treatments are prescribed and administered correctly, they are generally safe and risk free. However, like any drug or medical procedure, testosterone therapy has some potential side effects.

The Benefits of Testosterone Treatment

When you look at the many well documented benefits of testosterone treatments, it is easy to see that the benefits of testosterone therapy, far outweigh the minimal risk of any potential side effects. We have also found that the safest and most effective form of testosterone treatment, is prescription testosterone injections.

The Benefits of Testosterone Treatment

Some of the proven benefits of testosterone injections include:

  • Loss of belly fat
  • Increase energy and vitality
  • Increased ability to build lean muscle
  • Improved libido and sexual performance
  • Improved cognition and memory
  • Improved mood
  • Return to more regulated sleep
  • Improved eyesight
  • Healthier skin and reduced appearance of lines and wrinkles
  • Stronger, healthier hair

Testosterone is approved for prescription therapy by the FDA. Once the FDA approves a drug that means it has determined that its use as indicated is “generally recognized as safe.”

Testosterone Treatment and the Risk of Heart Disease and Cancer

Despite testosterone therapy being generally regarded as safe, there remains a lot of misinformation out there about the risks of testosterone treatment.

One such myth that just refuses to go away, regardless of a wealth of information to the contrary, is that testosterone replacement therapy increases the risk of prostate cancer. This idea is largely based on one very old study done in the 1940s. This study found that in men that already had prostate cancer, intentionally lowering their testosterone levels, prevented the return of prostate cancer. However, it is important to point out, that there has never, ever been one single study that proves that treating otherwise healthy men for low testosterone causes, or increases the risks of prostate cancer. In fact there is current research that suggests that testosterone treatment may even decrease your risk of developing prostate cancer.

Testosterone Treatment and the Risk of Heart Disease and Cancer

Another persistent testosterone therapy myth, is that low testosterone treatments increase your risk of heart disease. The supposed link between testosterone replacement therapy and increased risk of cardiovascular disease largely owes its history to a study published in 2013. The study had a lot of flaws. Yet, the media chose to ignore the many problems with the study, and ran with it. The news of the increased risks of testosterone therapy “went viral,” and as a result, many men who could have been helped by testosterone treatment, instead, chose not to have testosterone therapy. However, in 2015, this myth was finally busted by the well-respected Mayo Clinic, when they published a study that concluded there was “no link” between testosterone replacement and increased risk of heart attacks. Not only that, the study indicated that when done correctly, testosterone therapy may even lower the risk of heart attacks!

Benefits of Testosterone Treatment Vs the Side Effects

By now, we hope you have come to realize that the many benefits of testosterone treatment far outweigh the possible side effects of testosterone replacement. As you now know, the potential dangers of testosterone treatment have been largely exaggerated, and the risk of side effects can be kept to a minimum. Weigh that against the advantages of:

  • Increased strength
  • Increased stamina
  • More energy
  • Increased ability to burn fat and build muscle
  • Healthier skin and bones
  • Improved sex life

Benefits of Testosterone Treatment Vs the Side Effects

Once you weigh all of the benefits of testosterone injections vs the possible side effects, the decision of whether or not to start testosterone treatment should be a relatively easy one to make!

How to Avoid Testosterone Treatment Side Effects

When it comes to avoiding any potential side effects of testosterone replacement therapy, who you get your testosterone injections from can make a big difference.

If you want to make sure to maximize the benefits of testosterone replacement, and minimize the potential side effects related to testosterone therapy, then you need to make sure you know the testosterone clinic you are working with.

Who you get your testosterone treatment from, can make all of the difference in your experience being a positive or negative one. At our clinics, we are dedicated to making your patient experience with testosterone therapy, the very best it can be.

We take the time to get to know each of our testosterone treatment candidates as individuals. We then tailor your prescription for testosterone injections to your unique goals and lifestyle.

Our practitioners are not only well aware of the many life-changing benefits of testosterone therapy, we are just as familiar with all of the potential side effects of testosterone treatments, and know how to watch for any problems, catch them early, and adjust your dosage accordingly.

Now that we hope you understand that you have nothing to fear from testosterone treatment, you should see if you qualify for testosterone therapy as soon as possible.

Make an appointment today, and get off of the downward spiral of fatigue, tiredness and sexual performance issues!

Take the first step to a younger, stronger, healthier, happy YOU!

When you look at the many well documented benefits of testosterone treatments, it is easy to see that the benefits of testosterone therapy, far outweigh the minimal risk of any potential side effects.

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